The Royal Fandom Bible is your source for the history of the Royal Fandom. Use the pages to discover the bloggers, iconic moments, drama and catfish that made this fandom what it is. Created by duchessbusybody (prev. duchessanon).
williamwalesandkatemiddleton (Jen) : Catfish
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This is my final catfish post and it’s one that could be pretty
contentious. Not only was Jen a very popular member of the fandom given
she was only here for a year, but her catfishing was never proven. I
know for a fact that I’m not the only person who found her suss or who
questioned her story. So that’s why I’m including her here. To me she is
a catfish, but it’s up to you to decide for yourselves on this one. Jen
arrived to the fandom in September 2012 as
williamwalesandkatemiddleton. She said she was 17 and living in New
York. She also had a boyfriend called Pedro (more on him later).
At this point she was already “pregnant”, but I have no recollection or
receipts on her announcing it to the fandom. In fact, in all the blogs
I’ve visited, it was only AFTER she gave birth that she was mentioned
frequently on other people’s blogs. As with our other
pregnant catfish Lauren, the pregnancy caused problems. In January 2013,
she was admitted to hospital and then was put on bed rest
On April 9 2012, Jen announced to the fandom that her waters broke.
And then kept the fandom updated throughout the entire thing.
fandom were super excited. And Jen’s timing was great. Because this
baby was arriving during peak fandom baby fever, just a few months
before Kate had Prince George. It was hailed as ‘the fandom baby’
Eventually Jen became to busy to blog with giving birth and all. So her boyfriend Pedro took over proceedings.
Finally on April 10 2013, Emma was born. I’m not including the baby picture here bc I dont think that’s her baby.
the next few months, Jen carried on blogging as normal. One of the
stand out things about her was the constant funny situations she’d get
into. Like getting locked in a bathroom
Getting caught making out
Even Pedro had hilarious stories to tell
By far the weirdest story was when she was drunk on a roof
(Side note, Pedro sounds like a douche!)
On October 26th 2013 after some drama with George v Estelle, Jen decided to leave.
The fandom was upset but others were skeptical.
have to agree here with ladytudorrose. There was no exposure of Jen,
but everything about her stories seemed made up. When Emma was born, her
photos were reblogged widely. A little while later she begged everyone
to not reblog the photos and only like them. Why would she not ask that
in the first place? IMO it was because she freaked out at how far this
baby’s pics were spreading. Jen still kept in touch with members
of the fandom when she deleted via another medium. She was even there to
support Catfish Eleanor. A weird situation occured when Eleanor
insisted she was being supported by Jen but Jen denied it.
don’t know what happened to Jen after this or if she had contact with
the fandom again. All I know is that I and others had a gut instinct she
was a Catfish. Getting attention by having a ‘baby’ was typical for our
fandom and Jen was for sure the most successful.
Another stroll down memory lane today bbs. This one’s about some Kate/Pippa fans who claimed to be in touch with Pippa. I was inspired to look into this moment again by anon and I know u guys love old tea. I actually had forgotten about the first part of this (before Camilla Tominey wrote a story about these girls). PART 1 So in Feb 2012 royallykate and pippadaily started teasing about something exciting that had happened. (I have no receipts from PD bc she deleted). Ofc everyone starts freaking out But they kept everyone hanging for a whole day A day later, all was revealed! The gals had found a way to contact Pippa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (she deleted the tumblr post so this is all u get) Not only that - Pippa actually replied!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So everyone’s freaking out and congratulating them. And we finally get to hear what Pippa said (use your best yaya accent when u read these, really bring the image to life). ...
Rachel has been the most talked about blogger in the fandom's history. This post will compile EVERYTHING. Starting with the masterpost on who she is and leading onto the receipts. It's long, so buckle up. 1) WHO IS RACHEL? Rachel is the single most notorious member of the royal fandom. She’s disliked by an unbelievable amount of people for her lies, hypocrisy and misogyny. Our story begins on the murky land called of the royal forums in the mid to late 2000s, where Rachel was a member of a few forums under the name Mousiekins. On these forums (namely Royal Dish, Royal Gossip and Secret Royal Forum), she said wonderful Christian (n.b. Rachel is a Christian) things about Kate Middleton as: “The sick, twisted part of me is glad she is going to be a Princess as I think it will be the classic case of “be careful what you wish for”. I want to see her being worked to the ground by the courtiers and ridiculed by the press. If she wants this job so bad let her ...
The story of the student is one of the most iconic because of its impact on the fandom at the time. In April-May 2012, infamous fandom member Rachel was notorious for making claims about her connections with friends of the royals and would sometimes drop unproven information. Meanwhile over on the ohnotheydidnt live journal, someone who I'll call G learnt about Rachel and her claims to have inside information.So G decided to start anoning Rachel asking if she’d heard about Harry dating a student and planting random bits of information. This student was created by G. Rachel said she had heard about the student and went on to confirm the things that her anon was telling her on the regular.There are no receipts from those blogs because both Rachel and the Student deleted those blogs. But here's mrharrywales discussing some of the details. The story escalated, not helped by the fact Harry was spotted in Oxford, leading people to speculate he was there to see the student. The fandom...
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